July 7, 2024
Filipino Nurse's First Aid in Dublin Stabbing

Filipino Nurse's First Aid in Dublin Stabbing

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Slow-Motion Nightmare: Filipino Nurse’s First Aid in Dublin Stabbing

Dublin- Filipino nurse Leo Villamayor, who provided crucial first aid during the recent stabbing incident in Dublin, shared his experience and expressed fear of anti-immigrant violence. Villamayor, walking to a graduation ceremony, witnessed a knife attack near a primary school, injuring children and their carer. Describing the chaos, he recounted performing CPR on a little girl, expressing concern for the traumatized children’s future.

After the incident, Dublin faced anti-immigrant violence fueled by speculation about the attacker’s nationality. Far-right figures attempted to breach the crime scene, leading to clashes with the police and opportunistic criminal elements, causing chaos in the city. Villamayor, already traumatized, found the anti-immigrant violence adding another layer of anguish. He highlighted the fear in the community and emphasized the importance of understanding and tolerance among different cultures.

Filipino Nurse's First Aid in Dublin Stabbing
Filipino Nurse’s First Aid in Dublin Stabbing

Villamayor, along with other witnesses like a Brazilian Deliveroo rider and a French trainee chef, rushed to aid the victim. Despite being praised for his actions, Villamayor dismissed suggestions of heroism, stating that everyone has the capacity for empathy. He expressed optimism about Ireland and called for understanding and help for one another. Seeking counseling to process the events, Villamayor remains hopeful about his adopted homeland, describing Dublin as a loving and generous city for everyone, including immigrants. ( News Source SKY News)

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