A Dark Day for Indian Democracy: PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja

PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja
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A Dark Day for Indian Democracy: PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja

Have you ever seen the Sun and the Moon together? Have the Earth and the sky ever become one? Have the two banks of a river ever merged? Has the Sun ever risen at night, or have you ever seen stars in the daylight? Today, we talk about such impossible things because India has witnessed a deeply concerning and unprecedented event in its history.

New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the residence of Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud to participate in a Ganesh Puja is not just a ceremonial event; it is a direct assault on the principles of democracy and judicial independence. This move, masked as a religious gesture, has dangerous implications that should anger every citizen who values justice and fairness. Modi’s visit is nothing short of a blatant violation of the judiciary’s code of conduct, setting an alarming precedent where the highest executive authority mingles with the top judicial figure behind closed doors.

Judicial Code of Conduct: A Sacred Duty Violated

The judiciary’s Code of Conduct, which applies to all judges, including the CJI, requires strict independence and impartiality. It states that judges must avoid any personal interaction with members of the executive branch, especially when cases involving the government are pending. By allowing this personal visit from PM Modi, Chief Justice Chandrachud has thrown away the very principles that ensure unbiased justice. Can we still trust that the judiciary will deliver fair rulings when the PM himself is seen sharing personal moments with the CJI? The answer is obvious: NO.

PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja
PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja

This isn’t just about the Ganesh Puja or a religious festival; it’s about the blurring of lines between the executive and judicial branches. For ten long years, the BJP has systematically eroded democratic institutions, and today, PM Modi has crossed a line that no leader should. He has openly disregarded the sanctity of judicial independence, a cornerstone of Indian democracy.

A Dangerous Message to the Nation

The timing of this meeting is particularly concerning. With crucial cases pending in the Supreme Court that could challenge the government’s policies and actions, this private interaction between the CJI and the PM sends a disturbing message. It signals that justice can be compromised, and that those in power can exert influence over even the most sacred institutions.

Think about it—how can we expect the Supreme Court to deliver unbiased rulings when the PM is seen at the CJI’s house for a private meeting? This is not a trivial matter; it’s a direct assault on the judicial system that has protected our rights for decades.

History Repeats Itself, But Worse

Fadnavis’s defense of the visit, comparing it to an iftar party attended by a former PM and a CJI, is not only irrelevant but insulting to the intelligence of every citizen. The issue here is not about attending festivals, it’s about the dangerous proximity between the executive and judiciary when critical cases are at stake. In a democracy, perception matters as much as action, and this visit makes it clear that the lines between the two branches are dissolving.

What’s next? Will we see judges attending cabinet meetings? Will the Prime Minister have direct influence over legal decisions? This moment is a warning to all of us: if we do not raise our voices now, the very foundation of Indian democracy could crumble.

PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja
PM Modi Violates the Code of Conduct by Visiting CJI’s Residence During Ganesh Puja

PM Modi Breaks the Code, and Our Trust

By violating the judicial Code of Conduct, PM Modi has betrayed the trust of the people. His visit to the CJI’s residence is not just inappropriate—it’s dangerous. It undermines the belief that justice can be fair and impartial in a country where the top executive and judiciary are expected to remain separate and independent.

Today, we are witnessing a day that will be remembered as a dark chapter in Indian history, where the principles of judicial integrity were sacrificed at the altar of political power. We must not remain silent. This is not just a controversy; it’s a battle for the soul of Indian democracy.

This event should ignite outrage in every Indian heart. The people of this country deserve justice that is unbiased, courts that are independent, and a democracy that stands tall. Today, Modi has failed us, and we must demand accountability before it’s too late.

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